
Showing posts from February, 2021

stage 4

 During the process the only technology I used during is my iphone. During the process I learned a lot about production technologies and one of the main thing I learned is the power of lighting and how lightning can literally change the narrative of the film. I did consult a video on youtube to learn how to move my camera smoothly. these are some of the videos i looked at to make sure my opening scene is well produced: What kind of technology did you use during the process? What did you learn about using production technologies (cameras, lights, etc.)? Did you consult any sources to learn how to use your equipment (YouTube tutorials, etc.)?

Stage 3 (PT 3)

  This is a small part of my shooting schedule for my film opening  I don't really need much filming equipment, but I do need a camera which it don't have to be a professional camera.

Stage 3 (PT 2)

 My film will feel like a modern day movie with a few obstacles in the road that the characters have to overcome. Part of my film will look like everyday life but part of it will also look futuristic since the other planet is more developed than earth. I will achieve this look by using a green screen. I will also film my street since the beginning part of the film will be like normal life and my street look like normal life. I will record sounds for a certain scene in my film when they are in the space ship but that is the only time I will be recording any sounds or dialogue in my film. I will use a separate recording device to record the sound and I don't have a particular reason to why I choose using a separate recording device.

Stage 3 (PT 1)

 The locations my film will be shot is at two houses, a school, and another planet like mars.  I wan to film in these locations because I want to show my viewers my characters normal everyday life before I get to the sudden change or the climax of my opening film. two teenagers will act in my film because I want it to feel as realistic as possible but also make the viewers use their imagination. some consideration I do need is child labor laws because the actors do need to go to school and they can't work for a certain amount of time. I also need to do catering because my actors obviously and employees obviously need to eat in order to work 


So for this week one of the things we were working on was our storyboard and we took notes on the subject on Monday which is the start of all week and we had all week to work on our storyboard and also catch up on any assignments that we didn't do or if we are behind on. The story board was something new since I never really heard of it until this week so I had a lot of learn obviously but I feel like this project is like writing an essay and the story board was just a draft of our opening scene. The storyboard was basically a drawn version of your script featured with vocabulary that they typically use in media studies such as including the shots and camera angles you want to include in your opening film, but so far this project is 50/50 because some days I feel stressed about the project but then another day I feel like I am on the right track. this day felt really all over the place and I feel totally behind but I'll be up to par before this week ends.

film pitch

 I was really behind on the film pitch and it was all my fault, but this is the only thing that I was behind on and it was holding me back a little (only because I couldn't write about it in my blog) . The only reason that I didn't finish it on time is honesty because of sleep because I already wrote all of my information down, my notes, and what I am going to say. Its just every time I go home I just take a shower and go into my bed at 4 pm and end up waking up at either at 12 am or the time I need to wake up ton get ready for school which is at 4 in the morning, but I did get it done and this was a very chill assignment since my teacher Ms. Landis gave us a set of questions that we should answer and include in our video which was really helpful and I felt like I could actually persuade these producers that they should produce and fund my film.

case study

 This was my first case study and it really wasn't that hard. case study's in a way remind me of a book report and certain assignments we had to in my law studies class in 8th grade since it involved a lot of research. for this case study I the hunger games because it is a very popular movie in the genre I am filming in. I think this movie was a great option that i choose because it included a lot of information and there were a ton of case studies written on the hunger games. Though there were a ton of information I still didn't quite understand the cross media convergence and synergy section, so I looked at many examples of that section for different movies but they were all talking about something different. So I took it upon myself to research it and i guess it means how they went about to promote their movie. so my end result for that section was this:  But overall I think I did well on this part of journey to completing this component of the media studies project.  ht


 I have just now finished with my script and I feel like I did a horrible job on it. In my opinion I feel like the story line doesn't even match but I had to get it turned in before the deadline. I know before I start filming I am going to adjust the script  a little bit because I really don't like some parts of it, but I'll have to do that after I am done with all the things I have to do this week. This project is a little overwhelming to me since I am working by myself but I have faith in myself that I can complete this project successfully. Since my script is the main base for a lot of the activities we are doing to complete this opening scene I need to make sure it is up to par and its not unorganized. My teacher provided us with a script template and a lot of videos that can help us on the way and I am really thankful for that because if I didn't have those   I wouldn't know what to do. But I feel like the script part was kind of fun especially if you like writ